Headlines must be as compelling as your blog content. Headlines are the first phrases your readers are going to see, so it can make or break your story. For this reason, your blog headlines must be eye-catching to attract more readers. You must focus on its structure, style, and composition. 

Here are some of the most effective tricks seasoned writers from Rakuboss and other online platforms use to write attention-grabbing blog headlines:

Keep It Short And Straight To The Point

Your content won’t attract your first readers. It’s the job of your headline. After all, headlines are the titles of your story. With that, keep your headlines short and sweet; they must always be straight to the point. Your headline should describe your content precisely and accurately, so avoid being vague or intriguing if it’s not the intention of your story. 

Make Your Questions Irresistible

People on the Internet are always looking for answers. That’s why Google search exists. Humans are curious in nature, so they want to know the answer to everything. If your blog story is one of the answers to their questions, then craft an interrogative headline with an irresistible question. Ask something that they actually care, and make the question funny or strange.

For quick reference, it’s worth noting that interrogative headlines are more appealing than declarative headlines. According to a research study conducted by Linda Lai and Audun Farbrot in Social Influence, “question headlines are significantly more effective than declarative headlines in generating readership”. But that isn’t to say that you should always use interrogative or question headlines over other types of headlines, the bottom line is you must use your questions effectively. Use your headlines as bait and feed the cats’ curiosity. 

Effectively Use Numbers

Interestingly, many people are attracted to lists, numbers, and rankings. Numbers can be your hook to increase readership. To effectively use this trick, always use the Arabic form instead of the spelled-out form. Also, keep in mind that smaller numbers are more appealing than the larger ones since busy people would most likely ignore your blog post if it’s annoyingly long. Further, always stick to even numbers as much as possible since they somehow sound more ‘positive’ than odd numbers. 

Resulta ng larawan para sa numbers

Convey Emotions Through Adjectives

Powerful adjectives will give your headline and story the conviction they deserve. Don’t overdo it, though. Just stick to the most suitable descriptions and avoid using hyperboles. Since blog posts are supposed to be engaging, make your headlines colorful and expressive. Use proper adjectives for events, people, and items to help your readers visualize the story.  

Use Keywords From Your Blog Post

People can find your blog post if you’re using the right keywords for your headlines and content. This is one of the benefits of search engine optimization (SEO). Your blog post can reach more audiences and dominate the rankings in different platforms if you hit the right words. 

In addition to pleasing your SEO, keywords can also define what your content is all about using only a few phrases. The right keywords can summarize your story for busy readers who are always skimming articles.